The definition of the project to be procured is a prerequisite for an invitation to tender/the requirement specifications.
The requirement specifications describe the entirety of the requirements of the customer regarding delivery and performance of the contractor.
It is necessary to clarify which standards and environmental conditions for the tenders must be complied with, such as GAMP, GMP, …
In order to define the process engineering project clearly, it is necessary to subdivide this into individual phases.
Essentials contents of an invitation to tender or requirement specifications include:
- Definition of basic parameters (preliminary project - Planning Phase 1)
- Basic Engineering design planning - (process engineering design – Planning Phase 2)
- FEED - Basic Engineering – tender documentation / Interface Definitions / requirement specifications (approval - Phase 3)
- Detail Engineering – Enquiry and Procurement
- Creation of performance specification by the contractor on the basis of the approved tender documents
- Monitoring of the construction phase at the supplier’s premises (quality documents are to be supplied by the supplier and approved by the customer)
- FAT - Factory Acceptance ( factory acceptance at supplier’s premises
- Installation phase / Commissioning phase
- IQ – Installation Qualification (check against order documentation)
- OQ - Operational Qualification (check of intended functionality)
- PQ - Performance Qualification
- SAT - Site Acceptance Test (acceptance at customer’s premises)
SEEFRIED Verfahrenstechnik GmbH can compile the requirement specifications for your process requirements, also with the corresponding interface descriptions.